I found this recipe for Smoked Skillet Taters on the
Smoke Ring. Man, good stuff.
Six whole Russet Potatoes, somewhat cubed.

This is a Russet Potato.

My touch, I add some Truffle Oil from Italy.

Then some Chipotle Seasoning.

Then some peppers.

Then chop one whole sweet onion.

Combine the chopped onion with the chopped peppers and add some Garlic, Olive Oil and pepper.

The potatoes after the Truffle Oil is added.

Pile the potatoes first in a large cast iron skillet. Then add the peppers and onions. Slam it down on your smokehouse furthest from the firebox.

After about 1 hour add one block of Colby and one block of Pepper Jack.

I also toss some bacon on the upper rack for smoking now.

After about 45 minutes, pull the bacon and chop it up into pieces.

Chopped smoked bacon pieces. None of that store bought rubbery junk.

Ok, about two hours in, half of this lovely dish gets hit with the bacon and one fresh Jalapeno. I was going to keep it separated due to a vegetarian attending the festivities.

Time for more Colby and more Pepper Jack. I moved it closest to the firebox and gave it a stir beforehand. Then told the vegetarian she could pick out the bacon.

The whole meal deal with some Pig Peckers and a bonus Fatty.

Everything still coming along just fine. About 4 hours in give it another stir and add some Provolone.

6 Hours out, pull it and toss in the oven on warm. Vegetarian burger added right below the Fatty so it gets hit with the droppings. No questions please.
Love the no ?'s please. I'm sure she will be fine with a hint of meat in her system. Maybe she will turn to a meat lover after all.
I think my cholesterol numbers went off the scale just reading your blog... :-)
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