6:15 AM - Straight out da fridge! Just tossed it in the smokeshop uncovered after adding one can of Budweiser. Start the morning off right around 225 if you know how to work your coal and cherry wood.

Placement is important when using a barrel smoker. Notice mine is the best. You would be an idiot not to put it where I have shown you.

12:30 PM - Starting to tan on the outside after a morning of keeping it around 200-225 inside the smokeshop.

Aw man, had some J's left over. I'd be silly if I did not stuff these jokers full of lil kim's and cream cheese w/ cheddar then wrap them in bacon.

3:30 PM - Just pulled from the smoker and showing the temp before wrapping. Blurry picture taken by an idiot.

Another picture taken by the same idiot who thought this would be a great camera angle but was mistaken.

Same idiot, same camera, correct shot.

Same idiot, same camera, different angle with a flash. Anyway, get a nice big sized piece of foil to hold the beauty as she cools. No cutting yet!

Just chillin.

4:30 PM - I know, it is a great smoke ring.

Slice about this thick.

Don't forget to add some love to the beans.

Slice and dice into nice meaty morsels.