Sunday, December 23, 2007

The Boss Talks On The Three Meats

Most people that know me, especially my wife, say that I am bossy. That factored with my love for BBQ, Grilling and Smoking of fine meats and crazy food have led me to come up with Bossystyle BBQ. Well what the hell does being bossy have to do with BBQ. It is more of an attitude and an approach to the BBQ that gives it the flavor instead of solely relying on what the book says. As most BBQers do, go with the gut and the feeling as opposed to your strict guidelines for the food.

Enough of me talking about me and why my BBQ is the way it is. What we need now is to slather this place with photos of fine BBQ and suggestions and ideas on how we got that stuff so damn good.

Let's start off with the meats. We can break this down into three catagories; beef, pork and poultry. Well Boss, what about seafood. First, I love it. Second, seafood is does not fall under the meats because it is in water. Still, I love it but we will deal with it later. And trust me, we will have some fun.

Beef - Damn that stuff is good and you can do so much with it because there are varying degrees of doneness and preparation.

Pork - Excellent flavor but must be cooked fully to avoid any foodborne illnesses. That said, you must also be careful not to overcook this fine meat.

Poultry - Possibly the most difficult to BBQ to perfection due to the need for complete and thorough cooking inside and keeping that moisture in there for when it's time to dine.

These are the three meats that we will start out with to give you an idea of where we are going with Bossystyle BBQ.

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